  • On site testing program for digital grounding resistance tester

    The grounding resistance tester under UHV power can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.


    Digital grounding resistance tester, widely used in units such as power, postal and telecommunications, highways, communication, mining, etc. to measure the grounding resistance and superconducting resistance values of various equipment with low resistance values; Meanwhile, the digital grounding resistance tester can also measure grounding resistivity and grounding voltage. The specific testing steps of the digital grounding resistance tester are as follows:

    1. Measure the grounding resistance first

    Along the tested grounding electrode E (C2, P2), the potential probe P1 and the current probe C1 are spaced 20 meters apart in a straight line, with the potential probe in the middle position of E and C. Insert the probe into the earth as needed.

    Connect the grounding resistor terminals E (C2, P2), P1, C1 to the probe position using a special conductor.

    Turn on the power switch of the grounding resistance meter, select the appropriate position, press the button to light up the indicator light, and the value displayed on the LCD screen of the meter head is the measured grounding resistance.

    2. Conducted soil resistivity measurement

    When measuring, insert four probes along a straight line into the soil being measured, with equal spacing between each probe and a distance of L. The depth of each probe is required to be L/20cm, and the four probes are connected to the wires of terminals C1, P1, P2, and C2 respectively. If a grounding resistance meter is used to measure resistance R, the soil resistivity is calculated according to the formula: Ø=2 PI RL Ø - soil resistivity (Ω· cm), L - distance between probes (cm), R - resistance meter reading (Ω)

    The soil resistivity measured by this method can be approximated as the average soil resistivity between buried probes.

    The probes used for measuring geological resistivity and soil resistivity are generally made of aluminum alloy pipes or round steel with a diameter of 25mm and a length of 0.5-1m.

    3. Perform grounding voltage measurement

    (1) Unplug the C1 plug, keep the plug between E and P1, start the ground voltage (EV) mode, and the indicator light will turn on.

    4. Turn off the power after measurement. The digital grounding resistance tester can automatically shut down.

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