  • How to clean the oil cup of the insulation oil dielectric strength withstand voltage tester

    The insulation oil dielectric strength tester under UHV power can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.


    In the work of power workers, it is often necessary to measure the insulation oil of power transformers and the withstand voltage level of transformer oil. Therefore, an insulation oil dielectric strength tester is needed. After using the instrument, the oil cup needs to be cleaned thoroughly for the next use. If not cleaned properly, it will affect the accuracy of the next time. How to clean the oil cup of the dielectric strength tester and the electrical strength withstand voltage tester that require insulation oil in particular? This article will provide you with a brief introduction.

    Wipe the electrode surface and electrode rod repeatedly with a clean silk cloth. Adjust the electrode spacing with a standard gauge. Wash 3 times with petroleum ether (do not use other organic solvents), using the following method each time: pour petroleum ether into an oil cup, accounting for 1/4-1/3 of the cup capacity. Cover the oil cup mouth with a glass sheet cleaned with petroleum ether, shake well for 1 minute, and pay attention to a certain amount of force. Pour out petroleum ether and blow dry with a hair dryer for 2-3 minutes. Wash the oil sample to be tested 2-3 times. ① Pour the oil sample into the oil cup, approximately 1/4-1/3. Cover the oil cup with dry glass, shake well for 1-2 minutes, and pay attention to the strength. After pouring out the remaining oil sample, the pressure test can be conducted.

    After the experiment, inject high-quality insulating oil into the oil cup, place the oil cup inside the box, and lock the box cover. After cleaning and drying according to the cleaning method, store it in a vacuum dryer. Power system factories and mining enterprises have a large number of electrical equipment. Most of the internal insulation is oil filled. The dielectric strength test of insulating oil is a mandatory routine test item.

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