The cable fault tester under UHV power can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.
There are many types of cable fault testers on the market now, such as street lamps, buried wire cables, and grounding cable fault testers. If you don't understand these words, you may feel confused when choosing a cable fault tester. Today, we will introduce how to choose a cable fault tester in detail.
1. Clearly understand your needs. When purchasing a cable fault tester, you should know your scope of use. Otherwise, if it is the streetlight management department, a cable fault tester needs to be selected for the streetlights. If used at the fault point, equipment using the step voltage method or testing method can be selected. If a fully functional comprehensive cable fault tester is chosen, it can basically solve most cable fault problems.
2. If there are no special requirements when selecting, a cable fault tester with three functions: coarse edge of fault distance, precise positioning of fault point, and cable path detection can be selected. It can also be said to be a complete set.
3. Choose based on the principles of testing. If there are many cables laid in the cable trench, a high-voltage intelligent bridge tester can be selected. This way, after measuring the fault distance, the cable trench can be directly opened for search, and the damaged area can be quickly found and the cable fault point can be opened; If it is a direct buried cable comparison, a stepper voltage tester can be selected; If the economic conditions are good, you can also choose a full principle cable fault tester.
When choosing a cable fault tester, we can choose from the above three aspects, especially to clarify our own needs, so that we can choose the appropriate instrument and equipment, or choose without a goal, which is very blind. In addition, we need to flexibly change the use according to different field conditions.