  • Precautions for testing the kinematic viscosity tester

    The kinematic viscosity tester under the UHV power company can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.


    1. When using the instrument, the instrument casing must be well grounded;

    2. Before installing transformer oil in the constant temperature bath, do not turn on the heating control switch;

    3. The constant temperature medium in the bathtub shall not be lower than half of the upper part of the expansion part of the viscometer;

    4. Continuous use should pay attention to whether the oil level of the transformer in the constant temperature bath has decreased. If it is too low, it should be replenished at any time. If there are impurities in the transformer oil, they should be promptly treated, eliminated or replaced;

    5. Do not unplug or insert any connecting wires without unplugging the power plug;

    6. The constant of capillary viscometer should be safely backed up;

    7. Pay attention to replenishing cleaning solution and draining waste oil from the waste liquid storage, otherwise it may cause serious instrument malfunction or accidents;

    8. Take out 15mL to 17mL of the sample from the beaker and pour it into the test tube through the mouth of the beaker. If too much testing liquid seals the lower end of the capillary, it will affect the operation of the viscometer. The sample cannot be packed too little, otherwise it will cause the measurement to form a vacuum;

    9. The speed of the test solution pump is adjusted through the vacuum pressure regulating valve. The adjustment method is to loosen the adjusting screw counterclockwise, and then slowly turn the screw clockwise during the pumping process until the pumping speed is correct. Do not pump before the test screw, otherwise the pumping speed is too fast, which may be the viscosity outside the test solution extraction pipe. Generally, it is adjusted well before leaving the factory;

    10. The instrument can use two solvents to clean the viscosity tube. In principle, for cleaning 1, choose a solvent with good solubility for the test sample (such as petroleum ether), and for cleaning 2, choose a solvent that makes the viscosity tube easy to dry (such as anhydrous ethanol). Generally speaking, when conducting oil testing, connect one tube of cleaning solution and use the cleaning solution; When making polymer and plastic solution reagents, it is necessary to select and connect cleaning solution 1 and cleaning solution 2;

    Attention: Cleaning solution 1 and 2 are packed in separate bottles and placed outside the back of the instrument host.

    Note: The instrument uses cleaning solution to measure the kinematic viscosity of oil products, usually 30-60 petroleum ether or 120 solvent oil.

    11. In daily use, it is necessary to observe whether there is a large amount of waste liquid in the cleaning solution bottle and regularly pour it out. Do not fill the bottle completely, as this will affect the normal operation of the vacuum system; After pouring the waste cleaning solution, be sure to cover the bottle cap to prevent water leakage;

    12. Do not press the LCD screen; Do not use sharp objects to scratch or injure the display screen;

    13. The color of the display screen may sometimes change with the ambient temperature and viewing angle, which is a normal phenomenon;

    14. After the experiment, turn off the power switch and unplug the power plug;

    15. After using the instrument, remove the cleaning solution tube, take out the cleaning solution bottle, then empty the instrument again and use it again.

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