  • The importance of dielectric strength testing of insulating oil

    The specialized production of insulation oil dielectric strength tester for UHV power can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.


    As a medium filled in electrical equipment, insulating oil has many advantages such as insulation, heat dissipation, and arc extinguishing, and is widely used. For example, large power transformers use insulating oil for insulation and heat dissipation. But there is a discharge fault inside the transformer. Under the action of voltage, insulating oil undergoes a series of chemical reactions such as light, heat, and electricity. It is also crucial to regularly test the insulation oil during use in order to reduce its voltage resistance performance.

    The breakdown voltage of insulating oil is an indicator of its ability to withstand voltage inside electrical equipment and is one of the main means of inspecting the quality of oil insulation. Here we use an insulation oil dielectric strength tester produced by ultra-high voltage to conduct oil pressure resistance testing. According to relevant regulations, the test electrode should be made of brass, with a diameter of 25 millimeters, a thickness of 4 millimeters, and a chamfer radius of 2 millimeters. The capacity of the oil cup for placing electrodes should be 200 milliliters, and the oil cup should be made of porcelain or glass.

    During the oil sampling process, the insulating oil must be well preserved and must not be mixed with other liquids or debris, nor should it be exposed to air for a long time. Put the oil sample into the oil cup and let it stand for 10 minutes to start testing. The instrument automatically boosts the voltage from zero at a rate of about 3kV/S, with a current limit of 5mA, until the oil gap breaks down, and records the breakdown voltage value., Repeat the test 5 times and take the average. Compared with the standard breakdown voltage, the 500kV system should be greater than 60kV; The 330kV system should be greater than 50kV; The 220kV~60kV system should be greater than 40kV; The voltage level of 35kV and below should be greater than or equal to 35kV.

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