  • The importance of cable fault locator

    The cable fault tester under UHV power can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.


    Fault locator is used to identify faults that occur in communication/control cables for quick repair. In order to reduce downtime and facilitate maintenance, cable fault locators are essential. They use the principle of pulse reflection technology to quickly locate the point of fault occurrence, making them very flexible and time-saving. Considering the growth of the telecommunications industry and cable TV operators in the urban, subway, and entertainment industries, the demand for this product is bound to increase.

    Cable failure is damage to the cable, which can affect the resistance in the cable. If allowed to persist, this may lead to voltage breakdown. Equipment users must use the fastest and most effective method to accurately locate underground cable faults, and the training required for using cable fault locator equipment is minimal. Manufacturers must design equipment with easy-to-use features to quickly and accurately locate cable faults, thereby minimizing any additional damage to the tested cables.

    There are various types of cable faults that must be classified first before they can be located. To locate a fault in a cable, it is necessary to first perform a fault test on the cable. Therefore, cable testing is usually conducted first in cable fault location. During cable testing, flashover may occur at weak points of the cable, which can then be located.

    The measures required to determine the location of the fault can be subdivided into various steps.

    Fault classification

    Insulation and resistance measurements provide information about fault characteristics. Insulation testing measures the insulation resistance between a conductor and a shield; From the periodic measurement of resistance, you can determine the absorption characteristics of insulating materials.

    Cable identification

    In cable identification, faulty cables are identified from non faulty cables at a determined location.

    After identifying and locating cable faults, burner equipment can be used to 'burn' them in, in other words, convert them from low resistance faults to high impedance faults.

    In order to meet the demand for milder fault location methods, the industry has developed more complex methods to reduce the pressure on aging insulation systems. The general method is to reduce the amount of heavy hits required to locate faults, while also lowering the voltage required to perform the task.

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