  • Precautions for Micro Moisture Analyzer

    The trace moisture analyzer under UHV power can help many power workers conduct various power tests more conveniently.


    (1) During normal measurement, the reagent of the trace moisture analyzer can react with not less than 1.5g of water. If the measurement time is too long, the sensitivity of the reagent will decrease and a new electrolyte should be replaced.

    (2) If the electrolyte in the cathode chamber is contaminated by strong bubbles or electrolyte during the electrolysis process, it will increase the blank current and reduce the linearity of the measurement. Meanwhile, the time to reach the finish line will also be extended. In this case, the electrolyte should be replaced as soon as possible.

    (3) When the electrolysis time exceeds half an hour, the instrument becomes unstable. At this point, stirring should be stopped to determine if there is significant brown iodine production under the platinum mesh of the electrolytic electrode. If there is no or little iodine, the electrolyte should be replaced.

    (4) In order to ensure the smooth disassembly of various components of the electrolytic cell bottle, the grinding outlet must be moved within one week.

    (5) There is a color changing silicone gel inside the drying tube, mainly used to absorb moisture in the air of the electrolytic cell. When changing color, it should be replaced in a timely manner. To avoid an increase in blank current.

    (6) Quickly replace the electrolyte, as the special ceramic semi permeable membrane under the electrolyte electrode easily absorbs moisture, which can cause the instrument to fail to reach the endpoint for a long time. Inject new electrolyte into the cathode chamber for cleaning several times, then shake the new electrolyte a few times, and finally put it into a battery bottle. If the pollution inside the electrolytic cell bottle is severe, wash it with acetone, methanol, etc., especially the inner and outer platinum mesh of the electrolytic electrode and the two platinum claws of the measuring electrode, which are relatively severe and clean. Then place it in a drying oven at 80 ° C for 1 hour to cool naturally, and replace it with a new electrolyte.

    (7) Suggest that our factory use special electrolytes. The use of electrolytes from other brands can lead to insufficient instruments, reduced sensitivity, and long-term failure to reach the endpoint. Abnormal instruments are not the responsibility of our factory.

    (8) The working environment of the trace moisture tester should not have corrosive gases. To avoid direct sunlight, the 220V power supply used should have a reliable ground wire and be connected to an AC voltage regulator.

    (9) The storage temperature of electrolyte is best below 8 degrees Celsius, and it can be stored in the refrigerator during summer. Shelf life exceeds six months. Can be used freely, avoid direct sunlight.

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